The Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) is the only survey that lets you measure fidelity across all three PBIS tiers of implementation. It’s the perfect way to check on your initial PBIS efforts, to create action plans for improvement, and to monitor your implementation progress overtime.
Starting December 8, expect to see a few changes to the TFI coming your way. We’ll update the survey automatically in PBIS Assessment; the only action you may need to take is to close any open TFI windows scheduled to close on or after December 7. These survey changes are small, but they’ll ensure your data more accurately reflect your current implementation efforts.
The Changes
The most notable change comes right at the beginning of the survey. Among those first few questions you’ll find a new one: Tiers being assessed at this time. Select one, two, or all three tiers. If you haven’t implemented a tier or you just don’t want to assess it this time, leave the box unchecked. Then, when you click Next, the only questions you’ll see are the questions associated with the tiers you selected.
Bonus Feature: All these initial questions will be available when you download your survey data!
When you get into answering the questions associated with each tier, you’ll notice the next change: Every question requires a response, even if it’s a zero. When you leave a response blank, that’s a piece of information your team can’t use to create an action plan for improvement. A required response ensures there is at least a conversation about every item and a best guess on its implementation status.
Finally, we also removed three questions from the end of every survey. These questions were never included as part of your survey results and answering them was always optional; now you don’t have to answer them at all:
- Of all students in the school, report the percent of students currently being successful in both academics and behavior.
- Of the students receiving Tier 2 supports, report the percent of students currently being successful in both academics and behavior.
- Of the students receiving Tier 3 supports, report the percent of student currently being successful in both academics and behavior.
How to Prepare
To make this update as simple as possible, we recommend closing any open TFI windows that are scheduled to close on or after December 7 in PBIS Assessment. Then, on December 8, head back into your PBIS Assessment account and open a new TFI window.
If you planned to take a TFI between now and December 7, that’s ok. Go ahead and take it. We will update any TFI taken before December 7 and check the boxes for you next to the tiers you assessed. For example: Let’s say you assessed Tier 1 and left Tiers 2 and 3 blank in last year’s TFI. We will check the box next to Tier 1 in that initial question and leave the other two unchecked.
On December 8, if you notice any discrepancies between the data displayed in your reports and what you expected to see, connect with your school’s PBIS Assessment coordinator so they can edit your TFI responses.
Coordinators: How to Edit TFI Survey Responses
Editing survey responses is something only PBIS Assessment coordinators can do. If you’re a coordinator and a school requests your help editing their TFI, here is what you’ll need to do:
- From your PBIS Assessment Dashboard, expand the School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory menu under either Open Survey Windows or Closed Survey Windows.
- Locate the name of the school and click on the number listed in the Completed column.
- Click the View & Edit button to edit the survey responses. Click the Delete button to delete the survey completely.
To edit the tiers completed:
- Locate the "Tiers Assessed" header and click to expand it.
- Enter a 1 next to any tier assessed, or a 0 if the tier is not assessed.
- Click Save.
To edit the scores for the items associated with a given tier:
- Click the header associated with the item.
- Locate the item in the list.
- Enter the score in the open field to the right of the item.
- Click Save.