Collect referral data and make active, data-driven decisions to create the kind of school where every student is successful.

The School-Wide Information System

SWIS is your comprehensive, online home for understanding the student behaviors happening in your building every day.

When you enter referral information, you document what's happening school-wide. SWIS transforms these data in real-time so your teams can get students the support they need faster, sooner, and targeted to their specific needs. 

You Already Collect referrals in Your SIS—Why use SWIS to do the Same Thing?

It’s true: You enter data in your Student Information System (SIS). You don’t need just a new way to enter data. You need something to help you make good decisions that work for your school. You already have a SIS; what SWIS does is different. Where traditional student information systems store referral data for end-of-year-reporting, SWIS transforms your data for real-time decision making in ways your SIS can’t.

Let SWIS improve your decision making in ways you never thought possible.


Referral Data

If you’re going to collect data, make the
information meaningful.

  • Keep data accurate and organized with standardized, research-backed menu selections.
  • Require only the information you need for decision making: Who, What, When, Where, and Why.
  • Capture data unique to your school with searchable Custom fields.

Referral Entry

When time is valuable, you need efficient tools to fit with the systems you already have.


Powerhouse Reports

16 school-wide reports come standard with every subscription. With one click:


Focus on Equity

Let the Equity Report describe how students experience school-wide discipline based on their race, ethnicity, gender, language, or IEP status.

  • Immediately find the answers to the question, “Do we refer and suspend all student groups equally in our school?”
  • Interpretive sentences included with each graph eliminate guesswork and guide you through decision making.
  • Break down referral rates or suspension rates by the included student demographic data.
Watch Equity Report Series

EC-SWIS: Early Childhood Version

The power of SWIS designed with
Pre-k programs in mind.

  • Language throughout the app is tailored for early childhood.
  • Early Childhood specific reports included.
  • Closely monitor behaviors happening program-wide all the way down to the individual child.
  • Integrate seamlessly with CICO-SWIS 
    and I-SWIS.
Visit EC-SWIS Product Page

Drill Down

Use drag-and-drop filters to narrow down a problem to its root cause.

Classroom-managed Behaviors

Track classroom-managed behaviors before they become bigger headaches.

Role-Based Access

Let users access the information they need to support their roles on your team.

Custom Fields

Collect the data unique to your school not found in SWIS drop-down menus.

Cross-App Data

View student referrals in CICO-SWIS and I-SWIS reports.

Data Exports

Save data from a Drill Down report as a spreadsheet.

Draft Referrals

Start a referral and save it as a draft to come back and finish documenting later.

Every Behavior, Every Action Taken

Document every behavior, every action taken with every referral.

Unlimited Users

Set up and manage as many users as your school needs at no additional cost.

Import Rosters

Skip manual entry—import student and staff records automatically.

Encrypted & Secure

Protect your data with end-to-end encryption, on servers housed behind a secure firewall.

Inclusive Pricing

All SWIS features are included out of the box; no hidden fees or subscription levels.

SWIS Mobile App is Here!

You’re going to love SWIS Mobile for documenting student behaviors both in and out of the classroom.

Access to SWIS Mobile is included with your school’s annual SWIS subscription. All you have to do is download it!




Bundled discounts available at time of purchase.

Data Integration


SWIS integrates your SIS data automatically.

SWIS is Part of the SWIS Suite

Using one app in the suite gives you insights you never had before. Use all three and you have yourself a powerful teammate working with you in every decision you make.


Enter Check-in Check-out point card data to monitor student progress and keep an eye on how effective the intervention is for those enrolled.

More Info


Set up customized data entry screens and start monitoring even the most complex individual student support plans in your building.

More Info








Ready to get started?

Step one is to contact a SWIS facilitator in your area. Facilitators support schools throughout the process of setting up subscriptions, training new users, and coaching teams to make data-driven decisions. If you can't find a facilitator or you are ready to become a facilitator yourself, check out our calendar of upcoming facilitator training events!

Still have questions? Check out the interactive SWIS demo or use the Get In Touch button below to talk to our customer support team about how SWIS will work for your school’s unique needs.

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