May 14, 2018

The Early Childhood Benchmarks of Quality v2.0: What's Different?

The EC-BoQ has been streamlined to efficiently and accurately evaluate your program's implementation.

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There is a new version of the Early Childhood Benchmarks of Quality (ECBoQ) available in PBIS Assessment. Version 2.0 adds new language to evaluate family engagement in your program’s implementation, your use of data to drive decisions, and your commitment to equity in discipline practices. Wherever a question was vague in its criteria, there is now specific language to help teams determine whether the item is in place, partially in place, or not in place.

A paper copy of the ECBoQ version 2.0 is available to download here. If your program submitted an ECBoQ version 1.0 in PBIS Assessment, those survey results are available to review in Reports.

Here is a more detailed overview of the changes you will notice in the ECBoQ version 2.0:

  • There are seven subscales now, down from the previous nine. There are also fewer items: 41 instead of 47.
  • Establish Leadership Team Subscale: To better reflect the way families should be represented in PBIS implementation, a family member is now listed as a required member of the leadership team. A new question requires you program to have a discipline policy that eliminates the use of suspension and expulsion.
  • Program-wide Expectations Subscale: A new question ensures families are engaged – along with staff – in creating expectations aligning with cultural norms and community values.
  • The subscale scoring a school’s implementation of the Teaching Pyramid has been removed. The ECBoQ authors recommend assessing these practices using published classroom fidelity measures like the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool.
  • Professional Development and Staff Support Plan Subscale: Items related to professional development now specify evidence-based approaches to supporting teachers. A new item related to training staff in culturally responsive practices and addressing implicit bias has been added to this subscale.
  • Procedures for Responding to Challenging Behavior Subscale: Items now reflect the need to implement evidence-based approaches and highlight the importance of culturally responsive practices.
  • Monitoring Implementation and Outcomes: Items regarding the review of behavior incident data are more descriptive. The subscale now requires teams to analyze their data and identify potential issues of disciplinary bias.

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