We’ve got a brand-new set of surveys available on PBIS Assessment! The Feedback and Input Survey (FIS) is here! Coordinators can now set up windows for students, staff, and families to take the survey according to your evaluation schedule. We’re really excited about the opportunities the FIS presents for you and your schools. Here is some information to help get you started.
What is the Feedback and Input Survey?
The FIS is a set of four surveys to learn about how students, school personnel, and family members experience the school’s behavior support systems. Through the FIS, school teams get detailed feedback helping them improve the effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and sustainability of those systems. Surveys in the FIS include:
- Feedback and Input Survey: Elementary
- Feedback and Input Survey: Secondary
- Feedback and Input Survey: School Personnel
- Feedback and Input Survey: Family
Teams use responses separately or in combination to increase voice and choice in how Tier 1 behavior support systems can make schools more welcoming, inclusive, and safe for each group. Each survey includes a set of demographic questions about the participant and a mix of yes/no and open-ended questions.
Who Uses the FIS?
School teams use the FIS to increase school personnel, student, and family involvement overall. Administering the FIS is one way teams can meet the expectation defined in the Tiered Fidelity Inventory items 1.10 and 1.11.
Taking the Feedback and Input Survey vs the School Climate Survey
Schools might be interested in administering the School Climate Survey (SCS) to solicit school-wide feedback. Although there are similarities between the SCS and the FIS, these surveys have different items and purposes.
- The SCS is a formal measure with strong evidence of reliability and validity for measuring perceptions of school climate across a 4-point scale. The results help identify the current status of school climate as well as monitor progress over time.
- The FIS offers your school-wide community a place to share their direct feedback with decision-makers. The results inform action plans to improve Tier 1 behavior support systems.
How Do You Take the Feedback and Input Survey?
Each multiple-response survey is to be completed individually by each person responding. PBIS Assessment coordinators work with school teams to:
Schedule the survey: Each time schools decide to administer the FIS, coordinators help teams determine how they will do it and who will take it. It is important to follow district procedures to notify families about any survey students take and offer families the opportunity to opt their student out of the administration.
Establish open/close dates for the survey window: Once the survey window opens, respondents use the available link to the FIS in PBIS Assessment to submit their responses ahead of the close date. The survey window should allow respondents enough time to complete the survey and should close at least 24 hours before the reports are needed for decision making. PBIS Assessment provides aggregated reports available on demand as respondents submit their surveys.
When Do You Take the Feedback and Input Survey?
As a feedback tool, the FIS should be taken any time feedback about school-wide systems is desired, especially before the team creates or updates the school’s action plan (e.g., in the spring before the TFI is completed). We recommend taking the FIS annually.
Available Reports
The following reports are available for each FIS administered. The option to download information is also available.
- Total Score
- Subscale
- Mean Scores by Ethnicity/Race, Gender, and Grade (Elementary and Secondary Only)
- Mean Scores by Item
- Comments
- Locations (Elementary and Secondary Only)
- Communication (Family Only)
- Resources & Support (Family Only)